Root Canal Treatment and Filling


How is root canal treatment performed? Root canal treatment and filling are the two main treatment methods commonly used in dentistry. Root canal treatment is the process of removing damaged or infected pulp tissue from the inside of the tooth and filling its place.

This treatment is usually necessary when the pulp is damaged as a result of infections or deep decay at the root of the tooth. Root canal treatment can prevent tooth removal and preserve the natural tooth.

A filling is used to restore the structure of the tooth lost due to decay.

After the tooth decay has been removed, filling material is placed in the vacated space. This restores the form and function of the tooth.

Filling materials include composite resin, amalgam, ceramic and gold. Both root canal treatment and filling are important treatment options to preserve the function and aesthetics of the tooth and are frequently used in modern dentistry.

Stages of Endodontics

  1. Diagnosis and Planning: Before starting endodontic treatment, the dentist takes x-rays to determine the condition of the tooth and the most appropriate method for treatment.
  2. Local Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is applied around the tooth to be treated so that the patient can sit comfortably during the treatment.
  3. Pulp Access: The decayed part of the tooth and the pulp chamber are carefully opened. This stage allows access to the infected tissues.
  4. Pulp Removal and Cleaning: The infected pulp tissue is removed and the inside of the canal is cleaned with special instruments. This process ensures that the infection is completely removed and the inside of the tooth is sterilized.
  5. Shaping and Filling: The cleaned canal is shaped with special instruments before being filled. It is then filled with gutta-percha, a biocompatible material. This material seals the canal tightly.
  6. Restoration: After the root canal treatment is completed, the tooth is usually covered with a filling or crown. This helps to maintain the tooth's normal function and prevent further damage.

Advantages of Endodontic Treatment

  • Reduces Pain: Removing infected pulp tissue significantly reduces tooth pain and sensitivity.
  • Saves the Tooth: Endodontic treatment saves the tooth y preventing tooth extraction.
  • Preserves Function: The treated tooth can resume normal biting and chewing functions.

Endodontic Treatment Aftercare

  • Good Oral Hygiene: It is important to pay attention to oral hygiene in the post-treatment period. Regular brushing and flossing are recommended.
  • Regular Dentist Visits: Regular check-ups are essential to maintain the health and functionality of the treated tooth for a long time.
  • Soft Diet: Consuming soft foods for the first few days after treatment reduces the pressure on the treated tooth.

Endodontic treatment is an effective method to maintain dental health and reduce pain. Although some patients find the treatment alarming, modern dentistry techniques and anesthesia methods ensure that patients experience a comfortable and pain-free treatment experience.

How is root canal treatment performed?

Root canal treatment is the process of removing the damaged or infected pulp (the soft tissue inside the tooth) and cleaning and filling the tooth. The general steps can be listed as follows:

  1. Examination and X-rays: First, the dentist will perform a detailed examination of your problem and take X-rays. This is necessary to determine how far the infection has spread to the roots of the tooth.
  2. Local Anesthesia: The dentist numbs the tooth to be treated with a local anesthetic so that you do not feel pain during the procedure.
  3. Pulp Access and Removal: A hole is drilled in the top of the tooth and the pulp is removed. This allows infected or dead tissue and bacteria to be removed from the tooth.
  4. Cleaning and Reshaping: After removal of the pulp, the canal(s) are cleaned and reshaped. This stage is in preparation for filling the canals.
  5. Disinfecting: The canals are disinfected to remove bacteria and reduce the risk of infection.
  6. Filling and Sealing: The cleaned and shaped canals are usually filled with a special material called gutta-percha. The hole is then closed with a temporary or permanent filling material.
  7. Restoration: If there is a significant weakening of the tooth structure, a crown (veneer) may be needed to strengthen the tooth and improve its function.

Root canal treatment usually takes several sessions. Since each patient's situation is different, the treatment process and the necessary steps may vary individually. Therefore, a detailed dental examination is important before any dental treatment.

How is a tooth filling done?

Dental filling is a treatment method used to repair decayed or damaged teeth. This procedure aims to restore the shape and function of the tooth by cleaning the damaged part of the tooth and filling the cavity. The procedure usually involves the following steps:

A dental filling is a treatment used to repair decayed or damaged teeth. This procedure aims to restore the shape and function of the tooth by cleaning the damaged part of the tooth and filling the cavity. The procedure usually involves the following steps:

  1. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is applied around the tooth to be treated and the area is numbed. This prevents pain and discomfort during the procedure.
  2. Decay Removal: Using a special instrument, the dentist removes decayed or damaged tooth tissue. This stage ensures that healthy tooth tissue is preserved and the filling can be placed effectively.
  3. Preparing the Tooth: Once the decay has been removed, the inside of the tooth is prepared to accept the filling material. This allows the filling to adhere better and last longer.
  4. Selection of Filling Material: The filling material is usually chosen according to the condition of the patient's tooth and aesthetic preferences. There are various filling materials available, such as amalgam, composite resin, porcelain and gold.
  5. Filling Application: The selected filling material is placed in the cleaned cavity. Some filling materials, such as composite resin, are light-cured.
  6. Polishing and Adjustments: After the filling is placed, the dentist removes excess material and corrects the shape of the tooth. This allows the tooth to regain its normal biting and chewing function.
  7. Final Check: The dentist performs a final check to make sure that the filling has been placed correctly and that the tooth's biting function is normal.


A dental filling can usually be completed in a single visit. However, depending on the type of filling and the condition of the tooth, sometimes more than one appointment may be required. It is important to follow your dentist's recommendations to always get the best result.


  • Does It Hurt to Have a Tooth Filling?

    Tooth filling is usually done with local anesthesia, so you will not feel pain during the procedure. There may be some mild tenderness or discomfort after the anesthesia wears off, but this is usually short-lived and manageable.

  • How long does a dental filling last?

    The lifespan of dental fillings varies depending on the type of material used and the person's oral health habits. Composite fillings usually last 5-10 years, while amalgam fillings can last longer.

  • What Should I Do If a Filled Tooth Hurts?

    If a filled tooth hurts, it may indicate a problem with the tooth tissue under the filling. If the pain persists, you should consult a dentist.

  • Is Pain Normal After Root Canal Treatment?

    Mild pain and sensitivity after root canal treatment is normal and usually subsides within a few days. In case of severe or prolonged pain, you should consult your dentist.

  • How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

    Root canal treatment usually takes several sessions, each of which can vary from 30 minutes to an hour. The duration of the treatment depends on the condition of the tooth and the number of canals being treated.

  • Is a Crown Necessary for a Root Canal Treatment?

    In most cases, especially on the back teeth, it is recommended to put a crown on the tooth that has undergone root canal treatment. This is necessary to prevent further fracture of the tooth and to preserve its functionality.

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